Our Story

Who are we?

The simple answer is: a bunch of Otakus (basically the Japanese term for weebs). We're just a couple people that enjoy the Japanese culture of anime and manga. Yet in the country we live in, South Africa, we don't have much access to the culture we very much love. Noticing this problem, we decided to set off on our mission to spread this culture to our fellow Otakus.

About our products

We decided the first step in spreading this Otaku culture is to spread the PVC models that we all crave for: figurines. Gone are the days where you have to search hours and hours for low tier figurines. "Why? Because I am here" - All Might. Although we may not have biceps like All Might but we definitely bring the best products to our fellow comrades.

Our figurines are directly imported from Japan. If you find a bootleg or a fake figurine, feel free to contact us and we will compensate you with R10000! That's how serious we are about giving you authentic figures. 

 Any of our other fan-made products will have their country of origin specified in the description.

If you wish to enquire something please do so through our Contact Us page